Monday, January 19, 2009

Animal calls?

So I was taking a nap the other night after an exhausting weekend (btw Revivalution was AWESOME!!) and I wake up to these strange noises. Still being very groggy I couldn't figure out what these awful sounds were coming from. It sounded like a cat in garbage disposal. Then it dawned on me. My dear mom was practicing the clarinet. My brother being the comedian he is, asked her if she was making moose calls. I just keep thinking one day we will wake to a backyard full of moose, elephants and who knows what else! This is the latest venture for my mom. She is taking a woodwinds class. They chose to give her the hardest instrument to learn, the clarinet. She will get better. I know this. But until then, pray for me!

P.S. Mom, if you're reading this, I am joking! Please don't hurt me! lol

1 comment:

alli:) said...

haha too funny!!! hey you need a new post like pronto!jk:D